Garden tent, Temporary tent, Easy up tents, easy-up tent, Awning roof

Pop up telgi paigaldus 5 minutiga

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Pop up telk, mis sobib kodukasutusse kui ka üritustele.

Pop up The axis has several names. Most commonly known as pop up tent or easy up tent. The name comes from the simplicity of the tent. It takes only two people to set up and installation takes 5-10 minutes depending on the size of the tent.

The durability of a tent is determined by its frame and features. The thicker the frame, the more durable the tent. A tent with a thicker frame will not bend with wind or transport. It is also heavier and therefore more susceptible to wind gusts.

Pop up telk on ka populaarne bränding toode, mida ettevõtted  kasutavad messidel või üritustel. Logode ja kujundustega telk haarab paremini kliendi pilgu ja loob üldist brändi ettevõttele. Lisaks aitab reklaamtelk paremini ära tunda ettevõtteid üritustel. Pealetrükil praktiliselt piire ei ole – võimalik teha pealetrükki katusele, seinadele kui ka katuse äärtele.

If the product is of high quality, it is also easy to change parts on the tent, which we also offer to all our customers. Most vendors do not allow or offer this.

Pop up tent 2×2 m

Pop up tent 3×3 m

Pop up tent 3×4,5 m

Pop up tent 3×6 m

Pop up tent 4×4 m

Pop up tent 4×6 m

Pop up tent 4×8 m


The tents for sale are of different qualities. Tents that are much cheaper than others are generally made of metal frames, which get tired quickly over time and start to rust in northern conditions. Also, lower-end tents have extremely thin frames that can be blown away by a light breeze.

You can tell a quality tent by the thickness of the frame and the material. The aluminium frame gives the tent a long life. The thickness of the aluminium frame is definitely important. Quality tent frames are made of 50mm profile, which is also what Funrent offers to its customers.

Important attention must also be paid to articulation. Tents in the lower end of the range are articulated in plastic, which loses its properties in hot weather and therefore degrades quickly. Spacers should definitely be metal.

In addition to the construction of the tent, attention must also be paid to the coverings (walls and roof). Every tent should be a shelter from the rain that often plagues us in summer. It is therefore important that the tent covers are 100% rainproof. The thicker the covering material, the more durable it is. Protection against rain is provided by the PVC layer on the inner side of the cover. The outer fabric may get wet, but the PVC layer repels water. The top layer of the cover is also water repellent from the factory - over time, UV radiation will cause the water repellent properties to disappear. Due to the construction of the tent, the roof is tight and all water drains off the roof.

The more expensive the tent, the better the quality.


  • Pop up telk laatadel
  • Pop up telk messidel
  • Pop up telk kodukasutus (ajutine peavari, garaaž)
  • Catering at events, tagalala, etc.

Pop up telk on hea abimees igas majapidamises. Isegi kui see kasutust leiab paar-kolm korda aastas. Kuna telk on kergesti kokkupandav ja transporditav, siis saab seda viia igale poole. Jaanipäevaks, matkamiseks või ootamatuks grilliõhtuks sõprade ja sugulaste seltsis. Tihti on pop up telk ka väga hea toode brändinguks ettevõttele nt messidel osalemisel. Nutikam rendib telki, kui see endal kasutust ei leia ja teenib sellega raha tagasi.

Pop up telgi paigaldus.

For a first-time user, the installation takes 5-10 minutes depending on the size of the tent. Smaller tents can also be pitched alone. It is extremely important to secure the tent after pitching, as the weather in Estonia is unpredictable and an unsecured tent can easily be blown away.

On a new tent, the frame must be opened up 50% to allow the tent roof to be attached with crimps. This is convenient for two people. Care should be taken to ensure that the tops of the tent frame overlap the roof. For this purpose, there is a separate fastening in the middle of the roof, which can be easily recognised.

Once the roof is attached to the frame, the tent should be opened as much as possible to about 75% of its length. To do this, there should be one person at each end of the tent. The tent should be pulled towards you at the same time. From the corners, the tent needs to be pushed up by hand until the foot lock is in.

Once all the top locks are in place, the next step is to raise the tent legs to the desired height. To do this, there is a lock under each leg. The most comfortable way is to rest one foot on the tent's base. With one hand, pull out the lock and raise the tent to the desired height.